IDECAL has attended Biofach 2020 fair in Nürnberg together with the other Consortium partners of the Smartmushroom project. It was the occasion to present the project and its progress to the sector of organic producers and to the public.
Smartmushroom is financed by the EU under the Horizon 2020 FTI program ( In the project we generate biogas out of Spent Mushroom Substrate (SMS), dry down fresh SMS and pelletize it to produce a handy fertilizer in organic quality. A disposal problem is solved by using renewable energy and a new high-end product is created.
The fertilizer pellets have been presented on the fair. “The feedback of the farmers who used this fertilizer for growing their vegetables was very positive” says Jovan Jovanovic from Ecosoil, one of the four Consortium partners, responsible for the field tests and the optimized composition of the fertilizer. The fair was also an occasion to hold the fourth Consortium meeting. The project’s progress has been discussed and upcoming tasks have been defined.